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Mrs. Krol's class will spend a very big chunk of their day working on Reading!   I have adapted and use parts of The Daily Five, The Cafe, and Word Their Way Programs in my classroom.  It's important that students get practice with phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and reading fluency each day!  At the beginning of the school year the students will spend a lot of time working on their STAMINA (working and reading independently).  This will pave the way for the students to do many other fun and interactive activities during reading time.  Its facinating to watch the students take charge of their own learning and have the responsibility to accomplish what is expected of them each day.  I love to see the satisfaction on their face when they complete their different tasks for the day.  Once the students, have built up their stamina it allows time for the me to work in small groups and I am better able to work with each student at their individual level in reading, phonics, and comprehension.  Second graders get really excited about reading this year!  If you have any questions about what books would be good for your child to be reading or want recommendations for good read aloud books please contact me!  Scholastic has many wonderful books available at very reasonable prices, including a $1 book each month!  It is a great way to start building your at home library!  The Memphis Library also has a great selection of books for your child to pick from. 

Reading A to Z is a wonderful online reading program that offers thousands of leveled reading books.  I use these books during reading clubs.  Parents will see them come home once a week with their child.  Please keep these books and use them to reread throughout the year.  As the books become easier for your child they will be great books to practice your child's reading fluency.  Along with Reading A to Z, parents and students will receive information about RAZ Kids.  This is another part of Reading A to Z, where students can access interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and quizzes.  The students can listen to reading, record their own reading, and take quizzes to check their comprehension. There are also moblie apps that can be downloaded that go along with RAZ Kids.  I will send home information with your child's login information.




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